< Emerson Visuals | Frontend Development
  • FED FED.

  • FED FED.

  • FED FED.

UI design + Build

A personal, freelance full-stack design project focused on creating a website for an opera performer, encompassing both design and development. The project included UI design and the establishment of a design system using Figma. Development was carried out using Next.js, complemented by Framer Motion for distinctive interactive elements. You can view the final design and implementation below


Todo list

One of my earliest projects using advanced JavaScript was creating a Todo List, which pushed me to expand my skills and think creatively. I sourced the project from Frontend Mentor and coded it myself to completion.


URL Shortner API

The URL Shortener project is a web development project I created using Webpack, a compiler that helps keep my work organised. I used the Fetch API to source data from a third-party organisation. This project was completed by me using code sourced from Frontend Mentor. By developing this project, I was able to challenge myself and enhance my skills in web development.


ecommerce page

The eCommerce page project was a challenging exercise in web development that I completed without relying on external resources. I built the page using HTML, SASS/CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript, implementing my own design ideas and solving problems along the way. I sourced design files from Frontend Mentor and completed all coding myself, working to create an engaging user experience with easy navigation and clear product displays.


IP Address API

The IP address API generator project was created using JavaScript and the Fetch API to retrieve data from a third-party website. The project task was sourced from Frontend Mentor, and I completed all the coding myself. By utilizing the fetch command, I was able to grab the necessary information and display it on the screen.


Quote API

The Quote API Generator is a web project that I created using JavaScript and the Fetch API. The app allows users to generate random quotes by fetching data from a third-party API. I was able to display the quotes on the page and added a feature that allows users to tweet the quote directly from the app. This project was sourced from Frontend Mentor and I completed the coding myself.
